
Company Showcase

SABRAHM CONSULTING LTD In recognition of the vast progress that has been made and cognizant of the need to continually reflect on approaches to end corruption, the African Union designated 11 July as the African Anti-Corruption Day. Meeting of the African Union Anti-Corruption Board - Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment System provided by SABRAHM CONSULTING LTD, in Arusha, TANZANIA in 2022. This year will mark the sixth edition of the African Anti-Corruption Day which will be commemorated under the theme “Strategies and Mechanisms for the Transparent Management of Covid-19 Funds”. The day shall serve as a basis for all anti-corruption stakeholders to [...]

Company Showcase2023-01-30T09:38:52+00:00

Tourism Summit 2020

SABRAHM CONSULTING LTD took part in the above Tourism Summit held from 3-5 December 2020, as an exhibitor in order to market itself and network. Please upload the above pictures of our participation. The photo with the lady in orange dress. That lady is the Regional Commissioner of Moshi, representing the Tanzanian Head of State in the region. The other photo with a man: this man is the Commercial Manager for Africa working for Reed Exhibitions , South African Office, in charge of trade fairs in Africa. These 2 VIPs visited our stand during the trade fair.

Tourism Summit 20202021-02-20T01:24:22+00:00

Recent Activities

Training in English language at SABRAHM Headquarters

Recent Activities2019-07-15T00:20:25+00:00

Career Orientation

Are you looking for an opportunity ( for your self, your relatives or your staff ) to study online or abroad in the UK, USA or Australia? SABRAHM, as an education consultant can guide you!

Career Orientation2025-02-07T07:01:20+00:00

Conference Services

Organization and coordination of conferences, seminars and training sessions. Organization and management of events (planning, booking of conference hall, hotels, visas, ushering services)

Conference Services2020-09-19T23:21:40+00:00

Translation & Interpretation

Translation (French, English & Swahili) of documents: legal, administrative, financial, economic and technical documents as well as books. Editing of same documentation. Simultaneous interpretation during conferences or any other meeting.

Translation & Interpretation2020-09-19T23:21:02+00:00


Focus of training programs on the following areas: protocol services, IT, leadership, logistics, record management, business, secretarial and administrative support.



SABRAHM CONSULTING LTD is a consultancy firm that strives to contribute to the well-being of the people of the community in particular and of the nation at large and in so doing, endeavours to bring its small stone to the reaching of Millenium Development Goals concerning the sustainable development of African countries. SABRAHM CONSULTING LTD, is a fully registered business under the companies act 2002 (Act No. 12 of 2002). Its certificate of incorporation number, section 15, is 104115 and Tanzania Revenue Authority Iax Identification Number (TIN) is 122-700-550.

WHO WE ARE2019-05-31T04:56:43+00:00
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